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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 8 - al-Walidayn(Disobedience to parents) Refraining From Salāt al-Jama’a

Refraining From Salāt al-Jama’a

Refraining From Salāt al-Jama’a

4)      Parents cannot prevent their child from performing Salāt in congregation unless it causes some problem to them. For example, the absence of the son, while he goes for Fajr or Isha prayers, may cause them anxiety regarding their own safety or the safety of their property. Or, it may make them apprehensive about the son’s safety.

5)      If it is not absolutely obligatory (Wajib al-A’ini) the parents can stop their son from going on Jihad.

 6)      Regarding the commands, which are Wajib al-Kifai, the parents can prevent their son or daughter only if there is a certainty or a chance of the Wajib being fulfilled by other people.

 7)      Some jurists are of the opinion that if one is praying a recommended prayer, he can interrupt it if his parents call him.

 8)      One must forgo recommended fasts if the father disallows them.

 9)      In the matter regarding vows and promises, if the parents are against it, then one must not disobey them.

 10)  It is the duty of the son to ensure that he causes no harm to his parents. And if someone else intends to harm them, the son must do everything in his capacity to ward off the harm.


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